Great gifts for birthdays, thank-you’s, engagements, weddings, new babies, exams, Christmas, personal connections and much more

You can watch, download, share, & keep your video forever

If you include the date of the occasion, the celebrity can make sure that they do it in time for you.

You can expect your video within a few hours to a week. If you do not get your video in time for when you need it, you can cancel for a refund at anytime. We would suggest to cancel as late as possible because the celebrity could still record anytime that day.

If a celebrity is very busy they may prioritise urgent requests so if your request is not urgent and does not arrive quickly, don’t worry they will most likely do it in time for your occasion.



Just gave my wife her birthday gift video from Brace Land. It made her day/week/year getting this gift for her. She was in shock to get a message from her favorite celebrity crush for her bday! I highly recommend this to everybody who wants to surprise t
Video received within 4 days


I had Brace make a video wishing my buddy a happy birthday and he knocked it out of the park. Above and beyond my expectations. If you're reading this, just click the Buy button. You won't be disappointed.
Video received within 2 days


Brace did such an amazing job with this video. Rhonda said it was the best birthday gift ever and nothing else could ever compete with it! Thank you Brace, you’re truly the best!!
Video received within 1 days


This video was absolutely perfect! Thank you so much!!!
Video received within 5 days

Matilda Rosa

Brace’s video message for Matilda was bloody grouse, better than I could have ever asked for. She absolutely loved it! You’re a legend Brace, thanks mate!
Video received within 2 days

Keith Dyck

Brace, Thank you so much for this amazing video. You are going to make Keith's day. All the best to you-
Video received within 4 days

Sharon Acevedo

Thanks Brace . You were awesome. About me I can tell you I love life and to enjoy every minute of it. Love to dance travel and to make love living a sensation to my partner like there is no other. I will talk to him again.
Video received within 6 days

Most videos are recorded within a few hours to a week. You can cancel your request for an automatic refund at anytime (for example if you do not get it in time for a birthday etc).

How it works

You can request a video message for a personal connection, shout-out, proposal, surprise or as a gift for a birthday, wedding, congratulations, christmas, valentines and much more.

1. Choose from the 100s of celebrities (Search by name, category, keyword, genre)

2. Enter the details that you want them to mention (E.g. Names, Birthday, Hobbies etc)

3. Pay safely and securely with PayPal or any debit or credit card

4. You will receive an email with your video and download links as soon as the celebrity has recorded your video

** Most videos are recorded within a few days to 2 weeks

** If you need a video for a specific date you can cancel your request at anytime for a full refund

** Celebrities record videos as and when they can on their computers or smartphones

Why do Celebrities use CelebVM?

Most celebrities use CelebVM as a fun way to connect with their genuine fans

Celebrities record videos when it's convenient for them on their smartphone

Celebrities can use CelebVM to raise money and awareness for their charities and causes

Celebrities choose their price and get paid instantly for every video they record

**The CelebVM prices are for personal use videos, so if you request a video to promote a business or product the celebrity may pass your details to their agent and will likely ask for a higher fee for a video

** If you need a video for a specific date you can cancel your request at anytime for a full refund

**A Celebrity can cancel any requests that they do not want to do or do not have time to do